Climate Crisis

Climate Crisis

Recurring record breaking weather events such as fires, hurricanes, and flooding have become common news. Pollinators like monarch butterflies and honey bees are in decline. Research now indicates that North America's bird population has decreased by 30% in 40 years. And NEWSFLASH! You can be part of the solution.

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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Wisconsin Wetlands

Two things drew my attention to wetlands this week. First Wisconsin's state legislature have advanced a bill to allow some amount of filling of wetlands in urban and rural areas without a permit. Some details of the bill can be found here. The short version is that isolated wetlands 1 acre or smaller in urban areas or 3 acres or smaller in rural areas can filled without permits.

The ironic part is (the second thing drew my attention) that various parts of the state have been under flood warnings recently because of melting snow and fairly heavy rains. In fact, the city of Fitchburg was recently distributing sand bags.

Of course after Hurricane Harvey, folks have paid some more attention to the value of wetlands in and around urban areas because the wetlands slow or absorb flood water. It's estimated that after over $600 million of damage was prevented during Sandy. because of local wetlands. However Houston's development boom filled wetlands and covered them with impermeable surfaces like roads and houses. Not only do you lose the wetlands ability to absorb the water, the impermeable surfaces give water nowhere to go and speed up the overall flow.

Wetlands provide a variety of benefits beyond flood protection. Clean fresh water continues to be a major concern whether it's about literal supply or the cleanliness of the water. Wetlands naturally clean fresh water. They filter chemicals and fertilizers and other substances which can be harmful to people. They are also excellent habitat for a diversity of wildlife. For those concerned by the number of Canada Geese, remember that every time a retention pond goes in and a wetland goes out, we've chosen the Mallards and Canada Geese over other bird species like Snipes, Rails, Herons, and Cranes.

In short keeping wetlands intact provides aesthetic and ecological benefit as well as economic and practical benefit.

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