Climate Crisis

Climate Crisis

Recurring record breaking weather events such as fires, hurricanes, and flooding have become common news. Pollinators like monarch butterflies and honey bees are in decline. Research now indicates that North America's bird population has decreased by 30% in 40 years. And NEWSFLASH! You can be part of the solution.

Take Action

+  3 BillionBIrds.ORG #BringBirdsBack
+  Million Pollinator Gardens Network

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Don't Want to Read, then Watch: Bringing Nature Home Videos on WPT

I started this site and all the work on our yard because of the book, Bringing Nature Home by Doug Tallamy. Knowing that not everyone has the time or interest in reading his works, I found some videos which are certainly worth your time. If you have two hours, watch both. If you have only one hour, watch either. They are great condensed versions of Bringing Nature Home and The Living Landscape.


WI Public TV - University Place - Video 1

WI Public TV - University Place - Video 2